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One Word for One World

We support your business interests in China –Fasttranslator Translation Agency

The process of doing business in China frequently meets with many difficulties. The legal landscape is often more complicated - and success less certain - than in the West. Big cities experience a notably higher rate of crime, especially street crime, marked by high potential for violence. It is essential to be aware of this in business travel to China. Foreigners are generally the focus of these criminals since on average they carry twice as much in assets as locals. This possible danger contrasts with the friendliness of Chinese people and their interest in doing business. In general, Chinese businessmen and women are always seeking to expand their markets, product lines and service offerings. To get started in this economically important country, you need professional communications support. We provide you with prompt and reliable translations of texts in all fields. Just send us your text in an email message or use the contact form at the right. Our experienced project managers will review your request and respond with a non-binding prospectus.

Doing business through courtesy and tradition

In China, personal contact is viewed from a very different standpoint than in Western business relations. Acquaintance and friendship blend together, and even mere acquaintances are readily introduced as close friends. This can lead to problems with business contacts. Business deals are often conducted over a meal. Unlike Koreans, the Chinese do not find it impolite to negotiate while eating. Negotiations should not be the main topic of conversation, however. It is common to praise the food, commend the artistry of the chef, and admire the choice of restaurant if it was selected by one’s business partner. Business topics are only briefly touched on, and business-related conversations are spaced between entertaining anecdotes. It is considered polite not to react to another’s mistake but instead to avoid it by deferring the topic to a later point in time. Asians avert loss of face in this way. This can lead to misunderstanding if you have no experience with this particular form of negotiation. Our translators are well versed in Chinese and familiar with the tone of Chinese conversation. As native speakers raised in the country, they are able to translate your texts with pinpoint accuracy, taking into account all aspects of the language. Why not contact us now and see for yourself what we can do?

China’s business climate

China is a trading nation, and it readily presents itself publicly as such. In business activities, it generally focuses on its own profit and on national advancement. Family and the state are closely linked in the minds of the Chinese people, and it is essential to keep this in mind in business dealings. Though many Chinese complain about the corruption of local building companies and large enterprises, foreign firms remain the focus of controls and surveillance. China is one of the only countries that follows two parallel political tracks and thus divides its own economy. Foreign and domestic policy complement one another in an economic policy that favors China and sees other countries as autonomous nations. For example, China basically manufactures products for the Chinese market and products for export at different standards of quality. It assumes responsibility for quality control only for domestic goods, since the Chinese view other countries as responsible for their own goods and national interest and thus for conducting their own quality review. If you need a professional partner on your side that knows China both culturally and linguistically, you will find such a partner in Fasttranslator Translation Agency. No matter whether you direct a medical company or seek to market in China – we have the ideal translator for every situation.

Achieve success with business transactions in China – professional support from Fasttranslator Translation Agency

China is now the fastest growing country in the global market and is thus becoming increasingly attractive as a business partner. The country possesses capital and has for a long time played an outsize role in international capital markets. It has always been a trading nation, and for this reason the political consequence of being a closed country was not healthy for China. Such policies are still profitable domestically. They direct the people’s focus onto their own interests and specifically forestall comparisons with standards elsewhere in the world that generate new and unfamiliar needs. But a number of years ago the country’s political leadership was forced to recognize that such policies were not practicable. If the goal is to see the country become the global market leader, then foreign policy has to reflect the needs of a trading nation. This led to today’s contradictory China, which claims an oversized share of import and export business while it seeks to use domestic policy as a counterweight to foreign policy in order to minimize Western influence.

The right translator for your project

To be successful in business in China, it is essential that you know the cultural landscape. Language too plays a significant role. That is why we support your project with professional translations by competent and above all else native-speaking translators. They know the country and its cultural, economic and especially linguistic features and can give your translation pinpoint accuracy. Your Chinese business partners will know how to appreciate your efforts. Put our outstanding services to the test and send us the text you wish to see translated, either by email or using the request form at the right, and you will receive our non-binding prospectus. You can also call our translation offices in New York, Pasadena, Westlake Village, Houston, or Arlington

Made in China

Domestic policy also has an unintended effect on global trade relations. Although China manufactures very many products for other countries, these have not earned a high reputation among consumers. The handling of harmful substances is managed differently throughout Asia than it is in the West. While good health is seen as a worthwhile goal, it nevertheless ranks below prosperity. Very few Chinese see advantages in environmental or consumer protection or even give these concepts much thought. Economics and politics are inseparably tied. If you would like to enter the Chinese market, we are happy to support you. Our project managers have the right translator for every field. Our translators are native-speaking pros who know the Chinese language and provide personalized translation. They are familiar with cultural realities as well and can facilitate smooth communications with your business partners. Put us to the test now by sending us your text to be translated, whether by email or via the request form at the right. We would also welcome a phone call.

Professional translators prefer our translation service. Fasttranslator is a corporate member of the leading global translation society ProZ, where 42 translators have given us a score of 5,0 out 5.