One Word for One World
One Word for One World

How many translators work for you?

Our translation service works with an enormous database of freelancers. The big advantage of this method is that there is a translator available at any given time with the right language skills and subject matter expertise necessary for the project at hand. Therefore, we don’t need to assign a job to an expensive in-house translator who might not be the right person for the job, just because that person has nothing to do at that time. This method ensures that we can offer a wide variety of specialized translation services. Our database currently contains more than 4.200 translators with expertise in more than 60 subject areas, ranging from medical information leaflets in English to database design in Russian. We have offices and translators in 19 time zones currently.

Professional translators prefer our translation service. Fasttranslator is a corporate member of the leading global translation society ProZ, where 42 translators have given us a score of 5,0 out 5.